Natural Alternatives for Fighting Cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is found in all the cells of our body. It is essential for the proper functioning and production of hormones like vitamin D and pepsin. Cholesterol is also found in food items from animal sources like egg yolk, cheese, and meat. Even our body is capable of generating all the cholesterol it requires. The thing with cholesterol is to maintain its equilibrium as too much of it tends to combine with other food substances in the blood and form plaque which eventually sticks to the arteries, leading to a condition called atherosclerosis. This can subsequently cause multiple coronary heart diseases blocking up the blood flow through the arteries. But as it is said there is always a solution to a problem. Likewise, cholesterol can be easily eliminated by many methods. One being, use of prescribed drugs like statins that function by inhibiting an enzyme needed to produce cholesterol. But with the interaction of these drugs, specific food products can turn out to be very dangerous causing severe side effects like joint aches, muscle pain, vomiting, increased blood sugar, kidney damage and many unexpected neurological side effects. It has also been reported that statins can cause a breakdown in muscle cells leading to permanent muscle damage. Alternative to statins Cholesterol absorption inhibitors If statins are not your savior, then a common alternative to statins is cholesterol absorption inhibitor. These drugs function by preventing your small intestine from properly absorbing the cholesterol you consume. It is pretty evident that what is not absorbed cannot reach your bloodstream. One such inhibitor is “Ezetimibe” which when combined with a low-fat diet helps reduce cholesterol efficiently. Resins Other common alternatives to statins are sequestrants or acid-binding resins. They are efficient and function by binding itself with the bile in your intestines, blocking cholesterol absorption to a great extent.
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